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安靠技术(Amkor Technology)是世界上半导体封装和测试外包服务业中最大的独立供应商, 几乎占了30%的全球市场和40%的BGA市场。安靠技术成立于1968年,在菲律宾有7家工厂, 韩国有4家, 中国台湾有2家,日本和中国上海各一家。安靠技术总部在美国宾夕法尼亚州的西彻斯特。研发中心、产品及市场部在亚利桑那州的香德勒。 除了在太平洋沿岸有工厂外, 安靠技术在加州、 波士顿、麻萨诸塞州、欧文、奥斯汀、德克萨斯、东京、新加坡、伦敦、中国台湾和法国等均有生产及销售代表处。在全球有22,000名员工。
  感谢您对我们公司招聘职位的关注,如果您想加入在世界上名列前茅的封装测试企业,请将您的中英文简历直接通过51job发送给我们,或通过Email 发送至:atcrecruit@。我们会为你提供具有竞争力的薪资和完善的福利。

Amkor Technology pioneers the outsourcing of semiconductor assembly and test services, and occupies the 30% Global market and 40% BGA market. Amkor technology was founded in 1968, and now, there are 6 factories in Philippines, 4 factories in Korea, 2 factories in Taiwan, one factory in Japan and China. The headquarter is located in Pennsylvania of U.S.A, and the R&D, Product Dept., Market Dept. lie in Arizona. What’s more, we also have production and sales representative agency in California, Boston, Massachusetts, Irving, Texas,Tokyo, Singapore, London, Taiwan, and France. Totally more than 22,000 employees all over the world.

Amkor Technology try to be the leading innovator in the IC packaging and test industry supporting the most successful semiconductor companies in the world. We’re looking for the people who blend creativity and experience with vision and cooperation. Our unique corporate culture is reflected in our main purpose: use our collective talents and energies to achieve prosperity and fulfillment for our customers, our company and our people. Amkor Technology’s mission is to be the world’s premier Semiconductor Assembly and Test Services company through customer satisfaction, leading edge technology and financial performance.
Thank you for your interest in Amkor Technology’s employment opportunities. If you are interested in joining the world’s top performing Assembly and Test Services team, Please send your application with detailed resume from 51job,also can send by Email to atcrecruit@. We will offer the competitive salary and perfect welfare.

请访问我们的网站 : www. amkor.com