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更新时间 : 2017/5/26

行业 : 大型设备/机电设备/重工业 性质 : 股份有限公司

招聘联系人 : 石老师 联系电话 : 15666978534

电子邮箱 : 776326709@


宣讲会地点 : 就业指导中心403 宣讲会时间 : 2018-10-19 18:30 已过期 就业指导中心4楼403 2017-12-28 14:30已过期 就业指导中心4楼403 2017-10-13 19:00


〖概况〗邦德激光为大型上市企业,股票代码:838249(全称:济南邦德激光股份有限公司)。   公司总部位于济南市高新区,是一家集激光设备产、销、研为一体的高新技术企业。      〖超速发展〗公司成立于2008年,员工超过500人,业绩以每年超过100%的速度飞速增长,创造了行业奇迹。无论从企业发展速度,还是产品技术水平上,邦德激光都已成为中国高端机械制造业的标杆。   〖全球布局〗公司产品70%用于出口,并在瑞士设有合作基地。凭借强大的研发能力,公司产品在和欧美同行竞争中,亦具备自身独特的技术优势!借助自身研发优势,公司产品已畅销全世界100多个国家和地区,迅速取代欧美同行产品。      〖企业文化〗愿景:      让每个员工拥有快乐感、激情感、成就感!      做民族激光产业的领导者,让中国智造令世界称道!      做世界激光行业的领跑者,让激光科技改变人类生活!      行事风格:简单、极致、快      〖薪酬战略〗公司实施“高薪、高手、高产”的薪酬战略。      我们承诺向每位员工提供本地区同行业最具竞争力的薪资!      〖员工培训及职涯规划〗我们承诺向每位员工提供本地区同行业最为丰富、科学的培训。包括新人入职培训、专业技能培训、管理知识培训、拓展训练、人生体验课程……      公司为每位员工提供职业规划、职级晋升通道,并有完善的储备干部选拔、培训体系。      邦德激光以“华为”公司为榜样,我们愿用最高的薪酬回报我们的奋斗者们!      邦德凝聚了一批最优秀的年轻人,在这里      “除了牛人我们一无所有”      “除了牛人我们别无所求”      人生需要搏一次!加入邦德激光,享受每年业绩倍增的快感!体验北方的“华为”!不负青春!      〖Overview〗   Bodor laser is a big public company with stock code 838249 (Full name: Jinan Bodor CNC Machine Co.ltd). The company is headquartered in High-tech Zone of Jinan, with the integration of laser equipment research, production, and marketing of new and high technology enterprise.     〖Fast Development〗   The company was founded in 2008 and has over 500 employees.The sales volume creases by 100% every year and is working wonders in industry. Regardless of enterprise development speed or product technology, bodor laser has become a model of Chinese high-end machine tool industry.     〖Global Layout〗   70% of our company's products are for export, and also established cooperation base in Switzerland. With strong research and development capabilities, our company's products have their own unique technological advantages when compete with peers from Europe and USA! With our own R & D strengths, our products have been selling to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, quickly replace the European and American counterparts products.   〖Company Culture〗    Vision:   Give each employee has a sense of happiness, passion, sense of accomplishment! To be the leader of the national laser industry, let China “Made with Wisdom” made the world praise! To be the leader of the world laser industry, let laser technology to change human life! Acting style: Simple, extreme, fast    〖The payment strategy〗:    The company implements the payment strategy of “high paid”, “past master”,“high production”. We promise we will pay every staff the most competitive salary of the same trade and occupation in this region.    〖Staff training and career planning〗:    We promise we will provide the most profound,scientific training to every staff of the same trade and occupation in this region including the induction training, professional skills, management knowledge, outward developed, life experience course.......    Company will provide occupation planning, professional ranks promotion, and has excellent selected and training system of potential supervisor.       Bodor Laser will follow “HUAWEI” as example, we are willing to pay back our strivers with the highest salary!    Bodor gathered a group of the most outstanding young people.    “We have nothing but GENIUS!”    “We want nothing but GENIUS!”    How rare may few strivings achieve throughout one's life!    Join Bodor Laser to enjoy the pleasure of annually explosive growth!    Experience the “HUAWEI” mode in northern China!    Live up to your youth! 联系方式: 公司地址:山东省济南市高新区鑫盛大厦21层人力资源部 联 系 人:石老师电  话:15666978534 0531--88690695 电子邮件:hr@公司主页:ww***.cn[点击查看]




