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职位:Flight Test Service Engineer
Flight Test Service Engineer (Job Code: 3260246)

公司名称: 通用电气(中国)有限公司 公司性质: 三资企业

公司规模: 大型企业 公司行业: 制造业

专业要求: Engineering 薪资待遇:

学历要求: Bachelor’s Degree 招聘人数: 3

工作地点: 西安阎良或东营 浏览次数: 16



Role Summary:

Closely work with headquarter and customer on fight test execution for aircraft NPI projects. Responsible for aircraft flight test execution behalf of CFM/GE and onsite issue finding treatment.


Essential Responsibilities:

The following duties to be performed as a member of the LEAP-1C flight test team based at Dongying or Yanliang, China:

Maintain and assure the airworthiness of the Compliance engines throughout the flight test program.

Help trouble-shoot issue findings, fault messages and pilot squawks

Draft, review, correct and approve assigned Flight Test Service Instructions (FTSIs)

Supervise and assist technicians to perform Maintenance and Inspection (M&I) plan and FTSIs. Inspect and sign-off on maintenance tasks. This includes modifications to both hardware and software

Report and maintain FTSI and M&I plan completion status via the PC-based “activity log”.

Ensure M&I and other scheduled maintenance activities are performed at the correct intervals.

Negotiate the scheduling of FTSI and M&I task completion with COMAC

Represent CFM at COMAC flight test related meetings including pre and post-flight briefings.

Ensure the configuration of the flight test propulsion systems is known and up-to-date in the portal at all times.

Ensure that the logistics specialist is aware of all parts and equipment requirements

Identify problems with the maintenance manuals and suggest corrections where necessary.

Enter ground and flight test logs in a timely manner. Ensure hours, cycles and other required parameters are accurately accounted for.


China; Dongying or Yanliang


Specialist knowledge and experience in the following subject areas are desired:

Gas turbine maintenance procedures, including bore-scope

Aircraft maintenance procedures

FAR 25 certification requirements pertinent to turbo fans.

Flight test experience

COMAC change management procedures

Basic instrumentation principles

Shiftwork will be used whenever possible and appropriate.

The flight test program dictates travel with the aircraft, often at short notice.

Long hours are often required, also at short notice

Desired Characteristics:
Individual must have the following abilities:

Work as part of a team.

Develop an efficient working relationship with COMAC personnel, and respond quickly and accurately to their questions.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Mandarin

Good Verbal and written English

Work to procedures –FTSIs, the M&I plan, the aircraft manuals etc. compliantly

Produce reports (maintenance completion, flight / ground test, and issue findings) accurately and in a timely fashion

Attend meetings punctually, and pay attention at all times

Arrange to share work with other team members to ensure minimal rest infractions

The work involves supervising mechanics performing work on the engines. Physical hands-on ability is sometimes required.






GE与中国的联系源远流长。早在1906年,GE就开始发展与中国的贸易,是当时在中国最活跃、最具影响力的外国公司之一。1908年,GE在沈阳建立了第一家灯泡厂。1934年,GE买下了慎昌洋行,开始在中国提供进口电气设备的安装和维修服务。1979年,在改革开放的元年,GE就与中华人民共和国重新建立了贸易关系,并开设了驻京办事处。1991年, GE第一家合资企业GE航卫医疗系统有限公司在北京成立。

一百多年来,GE不断通过自身业务整合和转型来适应市场的变化。目前,GE在华拥有20000多名员工,在全国40多个城市设有 30多家制造基地和30多家合资企业, 在其中8个城市拥有研发团队。2017年,GE在中国的订单额达到81亿美元。




近年来,GE还与航空领域合作伙伴共同向行业推出数字化转型解决方案。预计到2020年,中国将有超过6000台航空发动机受益于GE的数据分析服务,从而显著提升运营效率及可靠性。比如GE与东航飞行安全技术研究院协作开发GE FlightPulse应用。这一app分析每一次航程中产生的海量数据,并通过移动终端将关键飞行指标数据反馈给飞行员,让飞行员及时了解和掌握自身的飞行数据和操作习惯,更有针对性地进行飞行训练以有效避免潜在的飞行风险,进而助力提升整个机队的安全水平。


联系电话: 公司主页: ww***com[点击查看]

招聘邮箱: 请关注通用电气校园招聘主页ca***.cn[点击查看],了解更多详情并进行简历投递 公司地址: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区华佗路1号

