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福利:节日礼物 发展空间大 管理规范

1. 根据维修班长下达的维修任务,依照本岗位安全操作程序认真完成当天的维修任务和生产急需的维修任务;
2. 根据设备的预防性维护计划,按时对自己所属的责任设备进行维护保养,保证设备的正常运行,以降低设备的故障停机率;
3. 维修备件和辅料的申报;
4. 利用自己的专长和专业知识参与各项技术的改造、创新,协助本部门做好设备改进工作,以提高设备的使用效率、减少故障率;
5. 对设备操作人员进行指导和监督;
6. 协助承包商进行一些项目改造工作。

1. 机电一体化、电气、自动化等相关工业类专业,
2. 有电工证
3. 2年以上设备维修经验,快消品生产设备维修经验者优先
4. 熟悉电子电路,会简单电路板维修;
5. 对PLC有一定了解,能看懂梯形图;
6. 对工厂配电熟悉;
7. 工作主动,责任心强;有分析思考、解决问题的能力;
8. 良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神
9. 接受三班 公司简要介绍:
110多年以来,欧莱雅身为全球美丽事业的先行者,始终坚持一件事,即专门致力于满足全球各地消费者对美的需求和向往。欧莱雅以“创造美,让世界为之所动”为使命,以包容、道德、慷慨的态度定义美,并致力于社会和环境的可持续发展。凭借集团旗下36个国际品牌的强大组合以及富有前瞻性的“欧莱雅,为明天——可持续发展承诺 2030”,欧莱雅向全球各地消费者提供优质、高效、安全、真诚且负责任的美妆产品,以发挥潜力无限的多元之美。
集团在全球拥有 87,400 名员工,也有均衡布局的全球业务足迹与完善的分销网络(囊括电子商务、大众市场、百货公司、药妆店、美发沙龙、旅游零售和品牌精品店),这使得2022年欧莱雅在全球实现销售额382.6 亿欧元。得益于全球11个国家的20个研发中心,以及一支由4,000名科学家和5,500余名科技与数字化人才组成的专业研发与创新团队,欧莱雅致力于创造未来之美,跃身成为美妆科技引航者。
化妆品集团欧莱雅在 1997 年进入中国内地市场。欧莱雅中国的总部位于上海,目前在中国拥有 31 个品牌,一个研发和创新中心,两家工厂分别位于苏州和宜昌,共有超过 14,000 名员工。经过 25 年高质量、稳健、可持续的增长,中国已成为欧莱雅集团全球第二大市场,集团北亚区美妆黄金三角洲的总部,以及集团美妆科技三大枢纽之一。2022年是欧莱雅进入中国内地市场25周年,欧莱雅在中国市场设立了***投资公司——上海美次方投资有限公司;并在苏州奠基了欧莱雅集团全球***自建智能运营中心。作为负责任的企业公民,欧莱雅中国始终贯彻落实集团提出的“欧莱雅,为明天——可持续发展承诺 2030”,是集团*** 个完整运营设施“零碳”的市场,并积极通过社会责任项目,持续贡献中国社会的美好发展。
About L’Oréal
For over 110 years, L’Oréal the world’s leading beauty player, has devoted itself to one thing only: fulfilling the beauty aspirations of consumers around the world. Our purpose - to create the beauty that moves the world - defines our approach to beauty as inclusive, ethical, generous and committed to social and environmental sustainability. With our broad portfolio of 36 international brands and ambitious sustainability commitments in our L’Oréal For The Future programme, we offer each and every person around the world the best in terms of quality, efficacy, safety, sincerity and responsibility, while celebrating beauty in its infinite plurality.
With 87,400 committed employees, a balanced geographical footprint and sales across all distribution networks (e-commerce, mass market, department stores, pharmacies, hair salons, travel retail and branded boutiques) in 2022 the Group generated sales amounting to 38.26 billion euros. L'Oréal relies on 20 research centers across 11 countries around the world, a dedicated Research and Innovation team of 4,000 scientists and over 5,500 tech and digital professionals, to invent the future of beauty and become the champion of Beauty Tech.
About L’Oréal China
It entered mainland China in 1997 L’Oréal China is headquartered in Shanghai and has five offices across the country. L’Oréal China currently has 31 brands and one R&I center in China, as well as two factories in Suzhou and Yichang, owning more than 14,000 employees. After 25 years of high-quality, steady and sustainable growth, China has become the second-largest market in the world, the headquarter of the North Asia “Beauty Triangle”, and one of three Beauty Tech Hubs worldwide. 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of L’Oréal’s entry into the Chinese mainland market. On the occasion of L'Oréal China’s 25th anniversary, L'Oréal founded its first investment company in China, “Shanghai Meicifang Investment Co., Ltd” and started construction for Group’s first global self-built Intelligent Fulfillment Center in Suzhou. As one of the best corporate citizens in China, L’Oréal China has always implemented and kept the “L’Oréal for the Future - Sustainable Development Commitment 2030” in mind. China is L’Oréal's first market to achieve carbon neutrality for all its operated sites, and L'Oréal China actively contributes to the good development of Chinese society through CSR programs.

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