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职位:物流/供应链实习生 Logistics Intern
福利:周末双休 节假日福利
Job Content:
82 Clarify all the GAP between physical and logbook to be ready for next customs audit in Jan 2025
82 Optimize the internal logistic flow for reception, storage, kitting, parts change, return
82 Layout optimization of the warehouse
82 communicate with stakeholder of customs issues
82 support for some daily logistic work
Job Requirements:
82 3 to 6 months internship
82 Logic thinking and some data treatment skill is needed
82 English could be used as working language 公司简要介绍:
公司介绍:Safran Group赛峰集团
Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors) defense and space markets. Safran has a global presence, with more than 79,000 employees and sales of 16.49 billion euros in 2020. Working alone or in partnership, Safran holds world or European leadership positions in its core markets. Safran undertakes research and development programs to meet fast-changing market requirements, with total R&D expenditures of around 1.21 billion euros in 2020.

Safran in China赛峰在中国
Safran China has more than a century of relations with China and 40 years local presence. Now Safran has more than 2000 employees and 20 entities in China. The major current aircraft and helicopter programs in China are C919, ARJ21, MA 700, AC 311A, AC 312, AC 352.
赛峰在中国有着100多年发展历史,40多年合作历程。赛峰集团目前在华工作员工2000多名,遍布中国20多家实体单位,主要飞机和直升机项目是C919, ARJ21, MA 700, AC 311A, AC 312, AC 352。

Safran Aircraft Engines赛峰飞机发动机
Safran Aircraft Engines is a world-class aviation and aerospace group, specialized in civil engines, military engines, aerospace engines, rocket propulsion technology and services etc. SafranAE Suzhou established in December 2005, with registered capital of 36.5 million USD, specialized in production and assembly of components for aircraft engines. SafranAE Suzhou has branches and offices in Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Guiyang, etc., with more than 350 employees.

Safran Landing Systems赛峰起落架系统
Safran Landing Systems designs, produces and supports landing and braking systems for all types of aircraft. SafranLS Suzhou established in 2002, has more than 350 employees. It has established an industrial presence in China since 2002 with the opening of the Safran Landing Systems Suzhou plant as center of excellence for side stays sub-assembly, and manufacture center for medium size main fittings sliders and complex parts.

Talents, ready for challenges, are welcomed to join us. Safran will provide you competitive salary and benefits, professional and harmonious working environment, space for personal development, as well as opportunities for overseas training.

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