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职位:2025招聘Tax and Business Advisory Services General Tax Associate
工作地点:上海 深圳
Associate - General Tax - Tax and Business Advisory Services SZ

发布时间:2024-08-30 结束时间:2024-12-31



工作地点:广东省 - 深圳市






Tax and Business Advisory Services

Deloitte provide tax and business advisory services in more than 150 countries and regions. In China, 2,300+ experienced tax advisors offer holistic one-stop-shop services to assist clients, stakeholders and regulators to harvest mutual trust and sustainable growth.

Deloitte China Tax and Business Advisory is the 1st amongst the Big Four tax practices to adopt Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology and since then has developed 100+ innovative digital solutions for diversified business scenarios and has been unlocked cross-functional values. The Innovation & Digital Development Center further enables our solutions with leading technologies that empower our clients to accelerate and accomplish transformation. We have transformed into a digitally-enabled and tax+ multi-disciplinary business model to assist our clients in the face of mounting technology, climate, political, economic and social challenges.

Work you will do

Be responsible for handling tax compliance projects such as preparing tax returns and computations in various jurisdictions

Assists with tax consulting projects such as performing tax research, tax due diligence and drafting tax advisory reports

Develops knowledge of current tax legislation across the Global Tax and Legal function

Recognizes the key capabilities required to deliver a high quality service experience to the client

Collects, assimilates, and analyzes data and uses standard processes and tools to help surface and support solutions in the Tax and Legal business

Applies technology knowledge to address client business challenges

You are also expected to do

Builds own understanding of our purpose and values; explores opportunities for impact

Demonstrates strong commitment to personal learning and development; acts as a brand ambassador to help attract top talent

Understands expectations and demonstrates personal accountability for keeping performance on track

Actively focuses on developing effective communication and relationship-building skills

Understands how their daily work contributes to the priorities of the team and the business

During your tenure as an associate in Tax and Business Advisory Services, you will demonstrate and develop your leadership and professional capabilities in the following areas: Building diverse capability, Collaborating, Creating purpose, Delivering value, Driving agility, Influencing, Inspiring, Building the Business, Analytical Acumen, Effective Communication, Delivery Excellence, Managing Change, Strategic Thinking & Problem Solving and Tech Savviness.


Bachelor degree or above in any disciplines while taxation, accounting, finance, economics, law, computer science, Japanese, Korean or a business related discipline preferred

Strong academic performance

Aspires to be a professional in a very competitive environment and demonstrate strong commitment in the profession

Demonstrates proactive learning capability and attitude

Demonstrates ability to comprehend and analyze complex issue in business context and present effectively both in oral and written English

Demonstrates ability to manage multiple tasks

Be able to communicate effectively and relate with people effectively

Demonstrates leadership potential at extra curriculum activities and ability to work as a team player

Be proficient in MS Office and other computer software

Can be trusted with confidence

Opens to constructive critiques on how to improve


凭借逾175年的精诚服务,德勤成员所网络遍及全球150多个国家和地区,多年来营收和员工数量一直保持全球领先,连续四年被Brand Finance评为最具价值的 商业服务 品牌。 深耕中国逾百年,我们见证并有幸参与中国经济的腾飞发展、为财富全球500强企业中近90%的中国企业以及数千家民营企业提供行业领先的审计及鉴证、管理咨询、风险咨询、财务咨询、税务与商务咨询及解决方案。今天的德勤在中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾设有30个办公室,拥有超过22,000名员工。我们传承德勤百年专业精神,致力于成为中国专业服务领域中,负责任、具有数字化基因、拥有多元专业服务能力的绝对领先者。 德育人才,勤创未来。秉持 以人为本 宗旨,德勤中国致力于成为培养有 迎接未来能力 的人才摇篮 我们与时俱进,打造一流的学习与发展平台,塑造个性多样化的职业发展旅程;鼓励人才在工作中获得 价值实现 所带来的成就感和幸福感;营造多元、包容以及有温度的工作、学习、成长环境,释放潜能;通过 智捷人才体验 和 美好生活 福利体系,赋能人才自主与选择权,助力德勤人成就工作和生活的和谐统一。 德勤已连续16年荣膺 中国杰出雇主 且连续三年名列第三、连续14年入选 Universum中国最具吸引力雇主 ,连续两次获卓越职场 大中华区最佳职场 认证。


联系电话:0755 33538513



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