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Dow Integrated Supply Chain Rotation Program (ISCRP) is a development rotational program designed to broaden your business acumen, cross-team expertise and critical professional skills in Integrated Supply Chain. We are on the journey to the End-to-End (E2E) transformation to ensure our sustainable growth and continuous strong competitiveness in the dynamic Asia Pacific region. As a new employee to Dow, ISCRP presents a perfect platform to set the foundation for a successful career with the company.

Program Structure
A Dow leader will organize you in two job assignments within Integrated Supply Chain, including Dow Logistics, Business Supply Chain, Customer Services and Improvement & Scale (Focus on process and system) teams. You will spend approximately twelve-eighteen months in each job assignment, learning best practices and processes that will help you develop critical functional and leadership competencies. One or more senior Dow leaders will serve as mentors to guide you along the way.

We transition to E2E by breaking down silos and re-engineering the way we work. Workers completing activities in the E2Es, including value-add, knowledge or transactional tasks. ISCRPer's work will include but not be limited to creating value, improving operational efficiency, reducing operational costs and providing superior service to improve customer experience. ISCRPer's work will cover the Asia-Pacific region, located in Shanghai as Asia Pacific Integrated Center. Demand Planning-to-Fulfillment (DP2F) is an integral part of the New Dow. As a true E2E, this model requires us work across functions and disciplines with a customer-centric mindset in order to perform at the highest level for our customers.

On top of your job assignments, you will be given special projects or initiatives, to complement your in-depth functional development in DP2F operation model. These special projects or initiatives will provide you invaluable learning and networking opportunities with senior leaders in Dow Integrated Supply Chain and other functions/businesses.
ISCRP is designed to build functional expertise and future leader potentials for Integrated Supply Chain. You will be expected to perform at levels beyond your peers, at an accelerated phase of learning and development.

Professional Development
Dow ISCRP offers a holistic and intense approach to functional expertise and professional development:

Communication & Collaboration – regular, structured contact with senior leaders from multiple functions and peer groups. Work together to drive superior result. Do not settle for “good enough” but always aim higher.

Network and Mentoring – senior leader assigned as mentor for each assignment, providing participants with an initial network to help ensure success in the program and offer guidance and support throughout their career. ISC RP candidates will have access to business and peer networks.
Performance Management – leverage company performance management system; apply intensively with multi-leader involvement on a project-by-project basis to provide prompt assessment and feedback and identification of development needs.

Employee Development and Training – tailor-made Personal Learning Plan (PLP) covers general company orientation as well and specific business and functional training driven by project schedule.

Graduation from Integrated Supply Chain Rotation Program
At the end of the program, you will have gained exposure to different types of work within Integrated Supply Chain, expanded your skills and developed professionally. You will then be placed in a career position based on your performance, skills, career interest and Dow’s business needs. Personalized mentoring and career development support will be consistently offered from Dow senior leaders throughout the first year after deployment.
Candidate Requirements:

- We are looking for new graduates with background in Chemical Engineering, Supply Chain, Logistics, Business Administration, International Trade, Computer Science and Economics.
- Dow seeks mobile-minded strategic thinkers and tactical implementers with a demonstrated outstanding work ethic and strong problem solving, analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills.
- You must possess excellent leadership characteristics, high initiative and quick learning skills.
- An international perspective is required, and ability to work in a global team environment is critical.

综合供应链轮岗计划 (ISCRP)

工作地点: 上海


陶氏ISCRPer将有机会用两年的时间在四个供应链职能部门完成两个轮岗, 包括供应链物流部门, 业务供应链计划部门, 客户服务部门和供应链技术中心。在此期间,您将每隔12-18个月在一个职能部门完成富有挑战的项目,学习***实践与流程,以帮助您发展竞争力和领导力。此外,我们将委任一位或多位陶氏资深主管将担任您的导师,为您提供全程指导。


除工作任务之外,作为对深度职能发展的补充,您还需要完成某些特别的项目活动。这些特别的项目活动将为您带来宝贵的学习和交流机会,帮助您与来自陶氏供应链部门、其他各职能部门以及主要业务部门的资深主管建立联系。 ISCRP旨在为供应链部门培养未来领导人的潜力。陶氏将向您提供更多的学习和发展机遇,期望您超越同辈,施展才华。

沟通——与来自不同职能部门和同事团队的资深主管定期开展有计划的交流。 共同努力以取得更好的结果。不仅满足于“足够好”,而把目标定得更高。


陶氏理想的候选人应善于战略思考、战术实践且灵活应变,同时具备良好的职业道德,以及优秀的解决问题、分析数据,沟通与人际交往的能力。此外,候选人应拥有国际化的视野,并能够在国际化的团队环境中工作。 公司简要介绍:
公司介绍:陶氏公司(纽约证交所代码:DOW)是全球领先的材料科学公司之一,服务于包装、基础设施、交通运输和消费者应用等高增长市场的客户。我们的全球性布局、资产整合和规模效益、专注的科技创新、业务领先地位、以及对可持续发展的承诺,确保我们能够实现盈利性增长,并助力打造可持续未来。我们在31个国家和地区设有制造基地,全球约35,900名员工。陶氏公司2023年实现约450亿美元销售额。“陶氏公司”或“公司”是指 Dow Inc. 及其子公司。

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