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职位:SET 供应链与物流卓越培训生
供应链与物流卓越培训生 Supply & Logistics Excellence Trainee


● 一年期带薪培训
● 跨工厂、部门轮岗和领导挑战性项目的机会
● 高级管理者担任导师并持续关注,优秀前辈担任导师和伙伴
● 快速的成长通道,国际化的发展平台


● 培训地点:
o 供应链与物流亚太总部入职+集中培训
o 三大旗舰酒厂(六个月):湖北武汉工厂、福建莆田工厂、广东佛山工厂
o 卓越酒厂(五个月):百威特色世界级酒厂
● 培训部门:
o 生产部门:酿造动力部、包装部、工程技术部、质量部、物流部
o 职能管理部门:健康安全与安保部、计划与绩效管理部、人事部
● SET拥有最有影响的成长资源:
o 一年期带薪培训——广泛了解供应链与物流,深入学习岗位技能,全面提升个人能力
o 亚太区总部季度汇报和集中培训——系统化的学习、挑战性的汇报、专业化的导师团队
o 百威亚太大学——领先的典范企业培训,提供国际化的培训体系和培训方案,助力个人职业发展
o 跨地域工作机会——针对在国内高校就读的外籍留学生们,可提供国内外多种岗位机会

● 定岗可选择工艺工程师、技术供应链平台工程师等
● 未来你可能成为百威供应链与物流总部或区域职能专家、职能总监等

● 定岗可成为团队leader、主管、部门经理等
● 未来你可能成为百威供应链与物流酒厂厂长、生产运营总监等

● 2025年应届或者全职工作经验不超过2年的毕业生(外籍申请人需获在华工作许可)
● 本科及以上学历。机械/自动化类、智慧工厂/制造类、动力/能源类、计算机类、数据科学类、食品类、酿造/发酵类、生物类、化学类、物流管理类、工程材料类、安全环境类、人力资源及管理工程类、经济管理类等相关专业优先
● 熟练应用Office软件及常用计算机应用并具备英语听、说、读、写能力
● 爱思考、有梦想,具备良好的沟通合作能力
● 勤奋踏实、自我驱动、责任心强、挑战精神、以结果为导向
● 可接受并愿意争取跨国家、跨地区、跨部门工作调动机会

Project Introduction:
Supply & Logistics Excellence Trainee (SET) program aims to attract and develop outstanding domestic and international graduates as well as foreign students, through providing comprehensive and effective training and coaching, broad and sufficient career development opportunities and continuous high attention from management team, to help you quickly grow into a future expert and leader in the field of supply and logistics production. The company provides two career development paths for technical professionals and functional management talents according to the personal situation of SET and the needs of the company, and helps different talents find the most appropriate development direction and career path more pertinently. Foreign students who join Budweiser China Supply and Logistics (foreign students with work permits in China) can also choose to work in South Korea, Vietnam and India after training in China.

By joining this program, you will receive:

● One-year paid training
● Opportunities to rotate across breweries, departments and lead challenging projects
● Senior managers serve as mentors and pay continues attention, and outstanding seniors serve as mentors and partners
● Rapid growth channel, International development platform

As long as you are good enough, whether you want to become a technical professional leader or a senior manager in a functional department, promotion and salary will not be a problem!

About SET
SET Development Plan
● Training venue:
o Supply and Logistics HQ onboard + Group Training
o Three Core Breweries (6 months): Wuhan Brewery in Hubei Province, Putian Brewery in Fujian Province, Foshan Brewery in Guangdong Province
o Excellence Breweries (5 months): Budweiser World Class Brewery
● Training Departments:
o Production Department: Brewing and Utility Department, Packaging Department, Engineering & Technology Department, Quality Department, Logistics Department
o Functional Management: Health Safety and Security Department, Planning and Performance Management Department, People Department
● SET has the most influential growth resources:
o One-year paid training period - a broad understanding of supply and logistics, in-depth learning of job skills, comprehensively improve personal ability
o APAC headquarters quarterly reporting and centralized training - systematic learning, challenging reporting, professional mentor team
o APAC ABI University - a leading model of corporate training, providing international training systems and training programs to help individuals develop their careers
o Cross-regional job opportunities - For foreign students studying in domestic universities, we can provide a variety of job opportunities at home and abroad

SET Career path
If you are interested in becoming a technical professional
● You can choose to be a Process Engineer, Tech Supply Platform Engineer, etc.
● In the future, you may become a function specialist, function director, etc. at Budweiser Supply and Logistics headquarters or region

If your interest is being a manager
● You can choose to be a team leader, supervisor, department manager, etc.
● In the future, you may become a Budweiser Supply and Logistics brewery manager, director of production operations, etc.

We need you to be

● Students graduating in 2025 or with less than 2 years of full-time work experience (Foreign applicants must hold a work permit in China)
● A bachelor's degree or higher is required, preferably in mechanical/automation, smart factory/manufacturing, power/energy, computer science, data science, food science, brewing/fermentation, biology, chemistry, logistics management, engineering materials, safety and environment management, human resources and management engineering, economic management or related fields
● Proficiency in Office software and common computer applications is essential along with strong English language skills in listening, speaking reading and writing
● Demonstrated passion for critical thinking and innovation with excellent communication and collaboration abilities
● Strong work ethic characterized by diligence, self-motivation, responsibility, challenges, and results orientation
● Willingness to embrace and pursue job opportunities across countries, regions and departments


Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws. 公司简要介绍:

百威亚太于2019年在香港联交所上市,股份代码1876,并是恒生指数成份股之一。百威亚太亦为百威集团(Anheuser-Busch InBev)的子公司。百威集团拥有600多年的酿造传承,业务遍布全球。

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