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职位:工业工程师 Industrial Engineer
Role Summary:
As an Industrial Engineer you will be identifying and implementing changes to improve employee, facility and system performance while maintaining or improving safety, quality, customer service and cost effectiveness across the organization.
Primary Responsibilities:
? Design, redesign, implement and maintain efficient systems that integrate workers, machines, materials, information, and energy to create a product or provide a service
? Evaluate industrial processes to reduce cost, improve sustainability, and develop best practices
? Analyze product specifications and performance requirements to determine designs that can be produced by existing manufacturing or processing facilities and methods
? Ensure compliance with industry standards and safety regulations
? Support implementation on LEAN practices (VSM, Continuous flow, Workplace organization 5S, Cycle time, takt time studies, Ergonomic, Define Waste, TPM program).
? Lead Kaizen events to find potential improvements.
? Develop and maintain data collected
? Supporting information and technology system deployments and interacting with other functional departments to accomplish projects
? Providing Operations with the necessary support and guidance for improving utilization of resources and cost reduction projects
? Perform other duties as assigned by leadership

Qualifications Required:
? Bachelor degree in Industrial / manufacturing engineering or equivalent engineering degree
? Proficient in AutoCAD experience and Microsoft Access
? Strong analytical skills with the ability to conduct root cause analysis
? Knowledgeable in material systems, material planning
? Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and collaboratively in a team environment
? Excellent written and oral communication skills

Qualifications Desired:
? Work experience in Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering or Operations
? Familiar with lean manufacturing principles and practices
? Effective communication and interpersonal skills
? Proficient with MS Work, Excel and PowerPoint
? A proactive and positive team player
? Project management knowledge and experience 公司简要介绍:
公司介绍:中航通用电气民用航电系统有限责任公司(简称“昂际航电”)于2012年3月注册成立,由业界领先的美国通用电气(GE)公司和中国航空工业集团平股合资组建,注册资本13亿美金,致力于打造全球领先民用航电系统公司。昂际航电拥有行业领先的开放式核心航电平台系统(IMA),秉承母公司严谨专业的研发流程体系,资深的适航取证和安全分析经验,并持续创新,提升数字化能力,为现代民用飞机研发提供航电系统解决方案。昂际航电总部位于上海闵行,总部大楼办公及设施面积36,000平方米,拥有世界级民用飞机核心航电系统的研发、集成与测试实验室。在“立足中国,面向世界” 的战略版图下,近300名专业人才共同为航空客户提供优质服务。昂际航电于美国凤凰城和法国图卢兹分别设立分支办公室,保持与国际最前沿航电技术的紧密连接。作为全球性的民用航电系统解决方案供应商,昂际航电是中国国产大飞机C919项目的核心航电系统解决方案提供商,承担三大工作包,包含5 个子系统(综合模块化航电系统IMA,显示系统,飞行记录系统,机载维护系统,飞行管理系统)的集成工作,涉及Tier 3级系统设计,集成验证,接口建模和开发等任务。在C919项目上,昂际航电不仅负责提供五大航电子系统,还承担了大量系统集成工作。在项目执行期间,公司在各个工程节点按期保质地交付软硬件50多次,助力商飞在2022年成功取得C919型号合格证,并持续支持C919商业运营。随着CORSIA的落实,碳排放对航空运输业的影响是全方面的且关系到每个企业的生存。航空可持续道路任重道远,提高运营与基础设施效率是在短期内实现减排目标的最有效方案之一。飞机及相关关键系统的效率提升能够降低燃油消耗量,从而减少碳排放量。昂际航电通过不断的技术创新,从空中飞行到地面运营,除了核心技术IMA平台,昂际航电提供广泛的产品及解决方案,助力飞机制造商及航空公司达成可持续发展目标。

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