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[南昌-青山湖区]麦格纳动力总成(江西) 有限公司

福利:培训 团队建设
1. PE业务计划PE BP planning
61 根据销售&PM导入的项目清单,制定PE BP资源计划,包含workload,部门费用&CAPX.投资;
61 Develop PE BP resource planning based on sales & PM input program list, including workload and dept. cost & CapX. investment.
61 按照财务要求,完成N+N的月度资源预测, 包含workload和部门费用;
61 Based on finance requirement, complete N+N resource monthly forecast, including workload and dept. cost
2. PE资源管理PE resource management
61 PE资源表格及组织架构的维护与更新;
61 PE resources tables and org. chart maintenance and updated;
61 根据BP计划,制定PE招聘清单,并跟踪招聘进展;
61 Generate hiring list and trace the hiring progress based on BP planning;
61 组织PE各模块完成能力矩阵更新,相应形成PE年度培训清单,并协助培训开展实施;
61 Organize PE each model to complete competence matrix and generate PE yearly training plan, and support the training implementation.
61 根据OA工时输入,完成资源效率、研发费用计入平台等相关数据的统计;
61 Complete the resource efficiency, development cost related analysis data based on OA workload input.
61 与全球资源管理定期联系;
61 Communicate with global resource regularly.
61 组织完成PE内部的OKR分解、收集;
61 Organize and complete PE internal KPI breakdown and collection
3、PE 部门管理PE Dept. Management
61 组织完成PE的立项流程;
61 Organzie to complete PE Program Approval process;
61 配合、协调、组织PE各部门开展项目费用管理、财务数据解释、审计、HR相关政策执行等相关管理工作
61 Cooperate, coordinate, organize PE dept. to roll-out project cost, finance data analysis, audit, HR related policy implementation related management work, etc.
61 负责组织部门制度的修订、完善、宣贯和督促执行
61 Responsible for organizing the revision, improvement, promotion and implementation of the department system and supervising its implementation
61 组织、推动与落实人员培训、团队建设、企业文化等部门建设工作
61 Organize, promote and implement staff training, team building corporate culture and other construction work of the department.
61 事务长相关事宜
61 Administrative related work of PE dept.
61 领导交代的其他相关事情
61 Other tasks given by leaders.
4、遵守与执行体系要求 Comply with and implement system requirements
61 遵循国家和政府有关劳动、合同、税务、会计、环境保护、职业健康安全等方面的法律法规及其他要求
61 Comply with national and government laws, regulations and other requirements related to labor, contract, taxation, accounting, environmental protection, occupational health and safety
61 负责了解Mafact基础知识,参与Mafact相关活动
61 Responsible for understanding the basic knowledge of Mafact and participating in MAFACT-related activities
61 认真贯彻执行国家及行业管理部门有关安全生产、劳动保护、环境保护法规和政策。
61 Conscientiously implement the laws and policies of the state and industrial administrative departments concerning production safety, labor protection and environmental protection.
61 负责参与公司“四新”项目的环保、职业健康安全 “三同时”评审。
61 Responsible for participating in the "three simultaneous" assessment of environmental protection and occupational health and safety of the company's "Four New" project.
61 负责工艺改进、新品开发、替代材料的环境影响、健康安全的分析、评审。
61 Responsible for process improvement, new product development, environmental impact, health and safety analysis and review of alternative materials.
61 主动发现各类环境安全事故隐患并积极报告整改
61 Proactively identify potential environmental safety accidents and report for rectification
61 积极参加各项环境安全培训和活动,提出合理化建议
61 Actively participate in various environmental safety training and activities, and put forward reasonable suggestions
Other business assigned by the leader 公司简要介绍:
公司名称:麦格纳动力总成(江西) 有限公司
公司介绍:麦格纳动力总成(江西)有限公司是全球知名的汽车零部件供应商麦格纳与江铃集团(JMCG)强强联合,共同打造的全球优秀的动力总成技术与服务提供商。自 2016 年起,公司正式成为世界五百强。

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下一条:[南昌-青山湖区]麦格纳动力总成(江西) 有限公司