职位:Advanced Materials Chemist,Shanghai
Advanced Materials (AM) are crucial products for the semiconductors manufacturing processes, especially for the advanced nodes, and the global market for AM in semiconductor application is expected to reach 2 Billion USD by 2027 .
This role, Chemist in product development lab (PDL), is very crucial for the ALAM business transformation in China and the dynamic global business environment. He / She will develop the emerging precursors, including synthesis, purification, analytical and packaging, for the semiconductor front end applications.
Job Description:
1.Translate the customer requirement into the product planning
2.Design and execute synthesis experiments, including syntheses and reaction optimization
3.Conduct complex purifications using various techniques (e.g., fractional distillation and sublimation.)
4.Analyze reaction products using spectroscopic techniques (e.g., NMR, FTIR, GC, TGA)
5.Maintain detailed laboratory records and write comprehensive reports
6. Understand the product cost structure and identify the key suppliers
7.Define the process flow based on the key parameters, including cost, quality, leadtime and supply chain resilence
8.Collaborate closely with various stakeholders (Sales, Quality, Sourcing and etc) to develop the products and suppliers to improve AM business competitiveness
9.Provide the application guideline for customers on the emerging products
10.Update the safety data sheet
11.Create intellectual properties
1. Master in Chemistry or related field
2. Experience in organic synthesis and purification techniques or pharmaceutical industry
3. Strong theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry
4. Proven experience in organometallic synthesis and purification techniques
5. Proficiency in analysis techniques (GC, NMR, IC, FTIR, ICP-MS, TGA)
6. Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
7. Strong attention to detail and organizational skills
8. Ability to work independently and as part of a team
9. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
10.Cooperate with the company's arrangement to go to Japan for a six-month training program.
公司介绍:全球工业与健康领域气体、技术和服务的领导者,业务遍及73个国家/地区,员工约67100人,为超过390万名客户与患者提供服务。氧气、氮气和氢气是生命、物质及能源不可或缺的小分子。它们象征着液化空气的科学疆域,自集团1902年成立以来,始终位于其业务的核心。 液化空气集团早在1916年就进入中国,70年代开始向中国提供空分设备,经过多年的稳步发展,目前在中国设有超过120家工厂,遍布40多个城市,拥有约5000名员工。集团在华主要经营范围包括工业及医用气体的运营,家庭健康服务,工程与制造业务,以及全球市场与技术和上海创新园从事的创新业务。公司业务已覆盖中国主要的沿海工业区域,并继续向中部、南部和西部地区拓展。经济效益和可持续发展位于液化空气增长战略的核心。我们的技术专长有多元化且具有韧性的业务模式支撑,使我们能够实现可持续的增长,同时坚定地为未来做好准备。我们不仅计划在2050年实现碳中和,通过发挥氢能在我们路线图中的作用,遏制气候变化,推动能源转型,而且我们还在ESG(环境、社会、公司治理)目标中纳入了医疗保健、人力资源和公司治理。在这一全面的宏伟目标下,液化空气承诺即日起采取行动,创造可持续的未来。