岗位能力要求 Capability Requirements
1. 财会类专业本科以上学历 Bachelor degree and accounting finance major is preferred;
2. 有英语读写能力,有口语能力尤佳 Be able to write and read English, spoken English is a plus;
3. 熟练使用办公室软件 Familiar with office software
4. 有承压能力 Be able to work under pressure;
5. 优秀的沟通能力 Excellent communication skills
公司介绍:优曲克科技(宁波)有限公司,原名宁波乐群电子有限公司,是Neutrik AG集团位于亚太地区的制造基地,成立于1995年,位于浙江省宁波市海曙区鄞县大道西段。Neutrik AG总部位于列支敦士顿,是全球***的音视频连接器研发,制造与销售集团,拥有Neutrik, 甬声, Rean等多个注册商标和专利权,其产品以独特的结构设计和卓越品质响誉全球。
Neutrik Technology(Ningbo) Co.,Ltd.,primitive name is Ningbo Lequn Electronics Co.,Ltd., was founded in 1995, is the manufacturing base of Neutrik AG Group in Asia Pacific region. LeQun is located in West Section of YinXian Rd., Hai Shua District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Neutrik AG in Liechtenstein is the biggest group for audio/video connector R&D, production and distribution in the world with trade marks and IP like Neutrik, Yongsheng, Rean etc. Its products are famous for their unique structures and excellent quality around the globe.
优曲克(宁波)立志成为全球音视频连接器制造行业的先驱者!以服务好每一位客户,成就每一位员工,用心连接你我为使命!宏大的愿景与使命需要杰出的员工才能实现!卓越运营,精益管理,个人发展!优曲克(宁波)热诚欢迎你的到来, 让我们本着双赢的目标共创辉煌!
Neutrik aspires to become the pioneer in the audio/video connector manufacturing industry and has the mission of Best Service for Each Customer, Personal Development for Every Employee and Connect you and me with Passion. These goals are aggressive, which can only be attained by a talented workforce. With Operating Excellence, Lean Management, and People Development, Neutrik warmly welcome you to join us! Together, we will reach Win-Win glory.
全员共享部分福利: 1 缴纳五险一金;2 工龄工资,高温补贴;4 双休; 5 每年公司旅游,年度体检; 6 年度调薪一次; 7 妇女节,端午节,中秋节,春节等节日礼品; 8 工作满一年的员工享受结婚贺礼,生育贺礼,及丧葬慰问金; 9 其他福利制度
Here are some benefits enjoyed by every employee in NCN. Company sponsored social insurance and housing fund, seniority allowance/summer allowance, company sponsored tourism trip/health check, annual salary adjustment, gifts on Women’s Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival etc., congratulation allowance for new-weds/new born, consolation allowance for funeral and others
交通信息/Transportation options:
1 地铁,2号线到石碶转5号线到同德路站D出口
2 公交车,108或176路到恒立混凝土站下车