职位:Balancing - 实习生 Intern
福利:提供午餐 班车
1. 实习生招聘对象为在校大学生,欢迎来自不同专业背景的学生
2. 具备良好的沟通和团队合作能力,能够积极主动地与同事进行交流和合作
3. 对数据分析和市场营销领域有浓厚的兴趣和学习热情,希望能够在实习期间深入学习和了解相关领域
4. 能够适应快节奏的工作,在有限的时间内高效地完成工作任务
1. 在校大三或大四学生
2. 能保证一周至少三天以上的工作时间
3. 大学英语四级以上
上海申克机械有限公司成立于1999年,是知名企业-德国卡尔申克股份公司(Schenck)在华100%投资 的全德资企业,隶属于跨国公司-德国杜尔(Dürr)集团。公司具备本土的研发、设计、生产、销售和服务能力,不仅为中国市场提供稳定可靠的高质量产品和系统,还出口到国外。产品性能已达到国际先进水平。公司不断创新,通过与德国总部的合作,研制和开发新产品。上海已成为杜尔集团和德国申克在亚洲的业务和研发中心。
公司共有五大业务单元,平衡与诊断系统业务(BDS)、 Benz Tooling业务和安科(Agramkow)业务隶属于杜尔集团的MPS事业部,杜尔装配产品业务(DAP)以及加注与测试系统业务(FTS)隶属于杜尔集团PFS事业部。
“申克伴你成长, 你助申克发展”是员工和公司双赢的理念。
诚挚欢迎您成为上海申克机械有限公司大家庭中的一员 !
Shanghai Schenck Machinery Co., Ltd.
Affiliated to the renowned international corporate——the Dürr Group, Schenck Shanghai Machinery Company(SSM) is a 100% German investing and holding company established on September 10th, 1999, It has been achieving the stable growth of the scope due to the contribution and stability of our sales volume and business development.
Composed by 3 business units, SSM mainly produces and markets industrial balancing & diagnosis systems (BDS), Dürr Assembly Products (DAP), Filling & Testing Systems (FTS). Company’s official relocation to No. 1111, Fengxiang Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai in September 2013 assembles the former scattered three business offices in to a whole breaking the deadlock of limited production capacity and scale. Our new premises are a landmark in our long and successful history in China, and a clear sign of confidence in our future at the same time.
Our investment underscores Shanghai’s extraordinary important role for our business. However, Baoshan also constitutes the platform to strengthen our business in the neighboring countries of South East Asia. For a long time now, Shanghai has no longer been a location among many, but the very center of our Asian business.
We SSM synchronize the same technical database with German Headquarter to achieve an international technology level through product property as an outstanding high-tech enterprise. Schenck global, in the possession of a “2nd home” strategy, consider China operation as - or nearly as - important as headquarters, not only sell products into China and provide service for SSM, but also let SSM manufacture in China and even develop products for the Chinese market.
Every year, many opportunities of training and business activities in German Headquarter are offered to the crew which consists of 60% senior technical professionals/managerial staff and other technicians.
The win-win theory between employees and employer is that “you for Schenck, Schenck for you”
Since the establishment of Schenck E-learning System in March, 2010, the corporate culture construction and staff quality SSM concentrated on fulfill all-directional catering of the employer and employee.
All information and operation system are run through advanced SAP, based on market-orientation policy. “Quality in hand, service in heart” as pivotal guideline, SSM strives to fit her role as a loyal and reliable global partner.
We address sincere welcome to enroll every talent candidate in SSM big family.