职能类别:管理培训生 基金运营部门 工作概述:大连基金运营部成立于2011年,目前有基金会计组,基金交易服务组,基金头寸管理部,基金机构投资报告书组,基金个人投资报告书组,基金业绩投资组。各个组之间协同作业,为亚洲以及全球的富达客户提供强有力的后台业务支持 基金运营实习生(英语方向) 岗位职责: 1.基金会计核算与估值与披露 2.高效有效地处理客户报表 3.对于股票、债券、外汇、金融衍生品等交易的日常处理 4.基金数据的维护与管理 岗位要求: 1.2026年应届毕业生(本科/研究生学历) 2.具备基本的金融或经济知识 3.良好的英语或英语沟通能力(读写和会话) 4.注重细节,有良好的逻辑思维能力 5.具备基本办公技能(如Excel, MS Word, Outlook) 6.熟练使用内部系统做头寸和持仓的对账工作 7.具备风险识别能力 8.有紧迫感和执行力 9.对业务有较高的积极性 10.学习速度快 11.具有良好的时间管理和解决问题的能力 12.具有团队合作精神 13.积极主动-做事积极主动,有使命必达精神
FIL(大连)科技有限公司成立于2007年,是富达国际在中国设立的***家独资公司。 公司的重点业务为技术开发和基础设施支持,通过卓越的系统开发为富达国际在亚太及欧洲地区的企业提供系统支持,同时也为亚太及欧洲地区的投资者提供运营服务。现有员工超过400人。
详细信息,敬请访问公司中文网站 ******************* 及公司招聘网站***************************.
About Fidelity International
Fidelity International offers world class investment solutions and retirement expertise. We are a privately owned, independent company, with the commitment and resources to provide the investment expertise, technology and service innovation needed to help our clients achieve their financial goals.
Fidelity International established its Shanghai and Beijing Representative offices in 2004 and 2008 respectively, and established Dalian technology centre in 2017 to provide systems and operations support to Asia Pacific and the United Kingdom. Fidelity International established a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in September 2015. In January 2017, the Shanghai WFOE became the *** global asset manager to register with the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC) as a private fund management company.
We invest USD $279 billion globally on behalf of clients in Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and South America. Our clients range from pension funds, central banks, sovereign wealth funds, large corporates, financial institutions, insurers and wealth managers, to private individuals. In addition to asset management, we offer investment administration and guidance for employer benefit schemes, advisers and individuals in several countries. We are responsible for USD $83 billion in assets under administration. (Data as of 31 December 2016)
About FIL Technology (Dalian) Limited
FIL Technology (Dalian) Limited was established in 2007 and it’s FIL's *** wholly owned enterprise in China. The critical business of Dalian office is focusing on technology development and infrastructure support, the office served as a systems development centre to bolster our growing business for institutional clients and investors in Asia-Pacific and Europe.
Provide business solution to Fidelity International Asia-Pacific and European business
-Development and support of content & transactional websites, web & mobile tools, internal processing tools, client reporting & management reporting
Provide infrastructure support to Fidelity International Asia-Pacific and European business
-Collaboration Services, Service Desk, Service Management, Systems Delivery & Integration, IT Asset Management, Release Management, Data Services, Digital, Web, Middleware, Platform & Storage Services, Enterprise Network Services including Voice Services, Data Centre Services, Cloud Services
Provide operation support to Fidelity International Asia-Pacific and European business
-Support multiple countries and regions (including Japan, HongKong, Korea, Singapore and ***)
-Provides fund data management, client account, deal and banking operations to Asia distribution business
-Provides fund documentation, investment trade and cash operations, and fund accounting operations to Asia asset management to Japan business
For further information please visit ******************* / ***************************.